Are Website Blogs Still Relevant in Agriculture? (We say, yes!)

In a world with instant updates and flashy tech, there’s a misconception that the humble blog has had its time. Considering the pace at which digital media evolves, it’s easy to think blogs have faded into the background. 

But at McCracken, we’re not as hasty to agree. We believe that blogging holds tremendous value in agricultural communication, with the potential to foster dialogue, educate and inform, and build community. 

So, grab a cup of coffee, pull up a chair, and let’s talk about why website blogs continue to remain relevant in our industry. 

Blogs in the Agricultural Landscape

First, what even is a blog? Well, back in the day – we’re talking the late ‘90s – blogs began as online journals. These “OG” bloggers were considered pioneers on the new frontier of the World Wide Web, sharing written personal stories and reflections about their thoughts, knowledge, and experiences. 

In time, blogging platforms started sprouting up and eventually grew into an expansive sphere of the internet, making it easy for anyone with online access to broadcast their voice to the world. Since then, these platforms have evolved, providing robust capabilities for disseminating information among professionals across all industries – including the ag sector. 

So, what does blogging look like in the agricultural industry? From sharing news articles to posting from-the-field updates, here are just a few of the ways blogs show up in the ag landscape:

  • Farm and Field Updates: Sharing updates on crop progress, planting conditions, and harvest schedules builds a bridge between what’s happening locally and the wider farming community. 
  • Agronomy Tips & Best Practices: Insights on soil health, pest management, or the latest in precision agriculture serve as a learning channel where seasoned voices can share their wisdom and fresh perspectives can converge. 
  • Research Findings and Industry Announcements: As professionals in agriculture, we’re always on the lookout for new knowledge and the latest happenings. A blog can help spread the word quickly on new research, product launches, partnerships, and important policy changes. 
  • Farmer Spotlights & Customer Testimonials: Nothing spurs more engagement than the real-life stories of farmers and customer testimonials. Take this board member spotlight article we did for the Kentucky Corn Growers Association, for example. It’s the second most-visited page on their website, bringing in nearly 900 visitors since publication. 
  • Thought Leadership: Lastly, agriculture blogs also share insights on emerging industry topics, policies, and issues facing the ag sector. These often take a stance, reinforcing a specific position, and invite discussion.

The Stats on Blog Readership

Blogs are far from being digital dinosaurs, and the numbers prove it. According to Social Media Today, 77% of internet users read blogs regularly

Diving deeper, DemandMetric shows that companies with active blogs generate an average of 67% more leads monthly than their quieter counterparts. These same companies that blog also witness a 55% boost in website visitors

Whether you’re sharing the science behind soil health, or spotlighting the hard-earned success of a fellow farmer, stories matter; and the case for blogging is strong. 

Because of its niche content, agricultural blogs tend to have a dedicated following. Farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness professionals rely on blogs for industry news, agronomic advice, and market insights.

Staying Power

Compared to social media content, the value of blogs is far more enduring. Social media posts might attract likes, shares, and comments, but the constant churn of content makes it challenging for any single post to provide sustained impact or value. And just as social media platforms come and go, blogs have withstood the test of time. 

In contrast to social media, blogs provide long-term value through evergreen content. With relevant insights, advice, and knowledge, blog posts can continue to attract readers over time. In addition, each blog post contributes to a growing library of written expertise and resources that website visitors can find from not just days, but years ago. 

To sum it all up, website blogs remain extremely relevant in the agriculture sector. They provide the perfect platform for sharing knowledge, industry updates, and fostering connection. 

Want to learn more about how a blog could help your agribusiness increase its growth and outreach, connect with McCracken!

Written by:
Sierra Dyer
Account Manager at McCracken. She turns dreams and ideas into delectable deliverables.
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